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tv   KPIX 5 News at 6pm  CBS  October 31, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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and get messages. it's so useful cecilia used to keep hers on all day even in the car. that is, until a san diego chp officer spotted had. >> he knows it's google glass and started to ask questions specifically asking why, why i was wearing google glass when i was driving. >> reporter: he gave her a $162 ticket for speeding and wearing google glass. she admits google was on her head but says the device was off. >> i started to say, well, this is not illegal, right? and that's when he says, he said, it actually is illegal. >> reporter: and chp in the bay area agrees. officer sam morgan says section 27602 states, to keep drivers from distraction, the vehicle can't have a monitor like google glass in front of the driver. and watch out, it can be a
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primary or secondary offense. officers are looking for any and all distractions. >> technology neighbors it on the market, consumers use it in the car and officers can show this is not a safe driving practice based on our experience, and we'll take the appropriate enforcement action. >> reporter: beatty says she is not mad at the officers, just worries california's laws aren't evolving as fast as the modernday technology in our lives. >> think that now it would be interesting to have more answers to have our laws more fresher because technology changes so fast and laws don't. and that's a big problem. >> reporter: what about gps? you're allowed to have it in the car but where you place it is important, either on the driver's left-hand side dashboard or the passengers's side. but you can't put it near that rear view mirror. live in berkeley, mark kelly,
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kpix 5. >> she plans to fight the ticket in court. a top secret project is under way on treasure island. google has everything to do the with the warming that's being built. as allen martin discovered, the more you ask about the project, the deeper the mystery surrounding it grows. >> it's like hiding in plain sight. it's hard to find anything that's spiking interest more than google's mystery barge. but for the tech giant, the mystery may be the mastery. with? >> knows old doob dc. >> fouling of yowling in this about telecommunications holings you rob of -- is -- >> i don't know anything about it. >> the more we ask about it, the more we ask about the four- story building at treasure island, google itself isn't commenting. mayor says he knows nothing about it. >> the mayor doesn't know what's going on. >> reporter: san francisco supervisor jane kim who represents treasure island had a spokesman tell us she has no comment but might say something in a week. then there's the u.s. coast
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guard. late today, it issued a slightly longer statement than the day before saying, it has an obligation to protect sensitive information and coast guard has been on to conduct routine inspections and ensure compliance with safety, security and environmental protection regulations but surprisingly they won't say whether the barge is in compliance. a cnet reporter wrote about the barge last friday and says secrecy is all part of it for google. >> in some ways the mystery is more important than what the reveal is. the longer this goes on, the more people are interested and, you know, the more google is keeping its mouth shut, the more the coast guard is keeping its mouth shut so it feeds the beast and the beast is the interest. >> reporter: meantime, the treasure island development authority complied with our request for a copy of the lease
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that it has with the company by and large. the company that owns the barges has a one-year lease for approximately 727,000 square feet on the island. it pays nearly $80,000 a month plus $10,000 for repairs and $158,000 as a security deposit. as for the coast guard secrecy, a viewer wrote us an email said he had the coast guard pull up to him and demand to board his boat to check safety equipment so he says basically, since when does an owner get to call the shots? like google is doing? i guess if you're google -- >> are there still questions about where this barge will go? >> there is a sister barge in portland, maine but this one there is a plan to take it to fort mason but those details have not been worked out as of yet. now we have multiple sources confirming exactly what the barge is, what it's going to be used for, that's coming up tonight on kpix 5 news at 11:00. >> finally an answer to the mystery. >> yeah. a little crack in the armor. >> allen, thank you for that. new information on a
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breaking story we first reported at 5:00. a plane that took off from san francisco has made an unscheduled landing in phoenix after some kind of threat. chopper pictures show united express flight 5573 on the ground at an isolated part of the sky harbor airport. officials say 25 to 30 passengers were taken off the regional jet and bused to the terminal. the plane is currently being checked. the flight was bound for san antonio. we'll keep an eye on this story for you. new at 6:00 a sonoma county supervisor was charged today with one misdemeanor count of peeking. 32-year-old was arrested in july after a woman in santa rosa called police because a man tried to break into her apartment. police arrested him at the scene. he was wearing just his socks and underwear. he is scheduled to be arraigned tomorrow. meanwhile a san jose dad is in big trouble. 29-year-old julio reyes first told milpitas police his car
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and his 10-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son were missing. once they questioned him, he admitted to ditching the car and going to a friend's house leaving the two children alone for 14 hours. >> the children were very cold, tired, very hungry, so the officers took them into protective custody and brought them here to the police station. >> the kids are okay. it is unclear why reyes left his children in the car. new tonight california could lose billions in federal money if it stops administering state standardized tests. the san jose "mercury news" reports the u.s. department of education may withhold more than $3.5 billion in federal aid. that's if the state decides to ditch star testing for a new computerized test and not publish the results. the department of education says not reporting results is against federal law. the deadly accident on bart tracks earlier this month led to new rules today for transit
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workers. the california public utilities commission is requiring transit agencies to create a three-way communication procedure for work zones. it would keep workers on the flax constant touch with train operators and central controllers. bart eliminated an old policy that simply posted a lookout with work crews without alerting train operators. police officers antioch shot and killed one of two dogs that went on a rampage biting four people last night. these bite marks show the aftermath of the chaotic attack. it all started when a man walking his dogs was attacked by the two loose dogs. three members of a family across the street ran over to try to help but they were also bitten by those dogs. >> they came out and got my arm first and then my leg and i kicked it with my other leg right when it was about to scratch it. >> one of the dogs was captured, no one has claimed it. the animal is being tested now for rabies. other bay area headlines,
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dorm food may be to blame for dozens of nauseated students on the stanford campus. 50 students got sick at the dining hall this week. that dining hall remains open while health officials try to find the source of the food poisoning. family and friends gathered in hayward today to pay respects to a couple killed while walking their dog. balbir and kamal singh were struck by a suspected drunk driver last week in menlo park. they leave behind three teenage children. the driver is facing manslaughter and dui charges. >> trick or treaters already out there and so are police making sure predators have nothing to do with halloween. the department of corrections is running something they call "operation boo." it makes sure registered sex offenders keep their lights off and stay indoors. they also can't have any decorations out. coming up, fewer teenagers are logging on to facebook. so where are they going? how other sites are filling the
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social media gap. >> and on this halloween night, how a bay area community says the cultural significance of the day of the dead is being ruined by revelers. >> and also on this halloween night weather is perfect. south bay right now sunshine all day long leading to a clear evening, great weather for the trick or treaters, moms and dads heading out this evening. what about that first weekend of november? we'll talk about that and our next possible rain chance coming up. >> hard for me to talk about him in the past tense. [ crying ] >> coming up at 6:30, the mother who lost her son says she is offended on how a bay area mayor is patting herself on the back. ,,,,
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i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. google and oracle are among the companies lending experts to the white house to debug the two silicon valley giants are helping fix the obamacare website. google and oracle are among the companies lending experts to the white house to debug the
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problems. the website has been plagued with glitches since its debut at the beginning of the month. the health and human services secretary promised to have things ironed out by the end of november. the roller coaster for facebook stock continues today. here's a look at the stock's journey from ipo to close today. an announcement yesterday sent the stocks soaring. the company record better-than- expected earnings and strong mobile usage. one thing spooked investors. our ryan takeo shows why some worry if facebook can hold the attention of young teens. >> reporter: at walnut creek's cream, it's clear to see some customers social media tastes are changing. take charlie miller for example. >> 14. >> reporter: he quit facebook. his mom just talked to his sister about it. >> just after the other day did you use facebook very much, it's pretty much not for teenagers anymore. >> reporter: that's the fear for some facebook investors that young teens are moving to social media sites their parents can't even remember. >> she is moved on to instagram
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and the other ones snapchat other snap -- chat snap? i don't know what it's called. on that too. >> reporter: snapchat is one. users send each other pictures or small videos that self- destruct in seconds. facebook owns the app instagram, where users post foes tote and videos but there's competition, vine, pinterest, and don't forget about twitter. teens continue searching for what's new. in case you missed it typing out full words in social media is old news. it's now all about emoticons using symbols, the app kick using those emoticons, many times instead of words. for some teens it beats spell check. >> adds substance that-to-what you say, facial expression and tone. >> reporter: parents who want to keep an eye on things will have to catch up. >> they have moved to other technology that the parents haven't figured out yet. >> reporter: in walnut creek, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> one huge bright spot for facebook was its mobile views. the number of mobile users shot
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up 45% from last year. not only is today halloween but at the beginning of the mexican holiday "dma de los muertos." day of the dead. the day carries great significance for many families. but kpix 5's mike sugerman found the commemoration is being tainted by revelers. >> reporter: we're all going to die. why not celebrate? >> the main thing is honor the dead. people who already passed. >> reporter: that's the theory behind the holiday "dma de los muertos," day of the dead. the huge holiday in mexico and latin america. and in san francisco's mission district. >> it's more cultural and people get into it yeah. >> reporter: ricardo pena and connie -- >> hi, sir, how are you? >> fine, thank you. >> you need help? >> reporter: run an aztec arts and crafts shop in the mission that is a good deal of its annual business around the day of the dead celebration. this year it will be held on saturday, a played and ceremony setting up traditional altars in garfield parks. thousands are expected.
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although the mission is heavily hispanic it's also home to the hipster. hipsters like to party in the neighborhood. drunk beer have a good time. there's some fear that maybe not for the right reasons. >> people have come to celebrate the day of the dead have lost touch with the main purpose of why we celebrate the day of the dead. >> reporter: jorge molina has heard complaints the celebration is just another halloween in san francisco by the burning man crowd. >> everybody is welcome. you know? we are a very beautiful tribe here in san francisco. we are trying to get along. things are changing. the demographic shift is dramatic. >> reporter: there is a real family atmosphere to the day of the dead. which is another reason that the influx of young hard drinking party people may be a concern although not everyone fears it. >> please come and be part of this wonderful celebration. with respect. everybody is welcome.
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>> reporter: police will be out in force. shuling should go, kpix 5. >> day of the dead has a long history in mexico and can be traced back to the aztecs. >> wow. so is weather watching. i understand they were pretty adept at that. >> absolutely. their solar calendar was amazing what astronomical records they had. >> but the world didn't end so that's good. >> that's a good thing and we are here and tonight we ed can't did i so it all keeps going. trick or treating forecast, live look outside even at the beach we are perfectly sunny high in the upper 60s. ocean beach today live view from the cliff house you will stay sunny coming up tomorrow. sonoma 75 today. redwood city 74. 73 napa. 72 concord. 71 san francisco. how about that. and 70 in richmond. beautiful day out there for halloween but you know, tomorrow we begin our rainy
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season and we can use some rainfall. none tonight and tomorrow. kpix 5 doppler radar is dry but there are signs the pattern will change. long-range outlooks paint a chilly cooler than normal picture. toward mid-november a decent chance of rainfall coming up in that same time period. not the next several days. a week to two weeks out, we may see a major pattern change because we have been stuck with this for the past four months. high pressure off to the west a lot of sunshine tomorrow and tomorrow warmer than today and saturday sunny and mild. area of low pressure sunday will not yield rainfall but cooler highs in the 60s and breezy sunday and also will be cloudier. so you want the you is uv sunshine over the weekend saturday. you want the cooler weather over the weekend more november- ish that will be coming up for you on sunday. look at these highs tomorrow. concord 75. san jose 74. oakland 73 degrees.
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another day in the 70s in the city. napa 75. mountain view 72 degrees with sunshine on your friday. saturday more sunshine we fall back saturday night halleluia extra hour of sleep. on sunday, we are going to cool things down to the 60s. you will notice it. what is that? this just in. computer models say we may even see some showers by this time next week. >> oh!! >> perhaps opening up a new regime here where we'll see some rainfall. 'tis the season. >> that would be great. >> we could use it. >> you know what i'm thinking? the aztecs would be proud of you. still ahead the contentious method to control a wild pig problem! just given the green light in a bay area city. >> they are not looking for speeders. why cameras are being installed at one of the bay area's busiest intersections. >> closed captioning brought to you by: mazda. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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they're creating a real mess.. using thousands of gotten tweets and email from you guys, wild pigs tearing up yards and fairways all across the south bay for weeks. they are creating a real mess and causing thousands of dollars in damage. and as our len ramirez reports, city leaders in san jose are now saying enough is enough. records that's right. a lot of shots are taken on this golf course on a daily basis. the next ones may be aimed at the biggs pigs themselves and the shooters won't be swinging clubs. they are bold aggressive, wild, hungry. packs of pigs coming down from the hills searching for food, water and grubs laying waste the golf and fairways. but time is running out for the pigs and it may be at the end of a barrel. >> this would allow trappers to just use a gun to dispatch the animal. >> reporter: san jose city council member johnnie khamis is introducing an emergency
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measure to allow trappers to shoot firearms inside the city limits. the pigs would be trapped then quickly shot on sight. >> this is not a hunting permit that we're talking about. it's the ability for someone to discharge a firearm in conjunction with an animal being trapped. and so this is just a humane way of putting down an animal that is becoming a nuisance. >> reporter: the pigs have already caused about $10,000 in damage to the golf course. large swaths of the fairway are now under repair and receding. the country club is also installing a cyclone fence at a spot where the pigs have been coming in and on recent nights the members have been out all night on pig patrol to scare the animals away. but the club favors trapping and shooting as a more permanent solution. >> should the city council come up with a resolution, we would have to resubmit a permit to fish and wildlife and follow their instructions as far as the dispatching of the pigs. >> reporter: in this neighborhood, there isn't much
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sympathy for the pigs. they are a non-native species and considered harmful to indigenous wildlife and their habitat. >> if you look at the destruction they have brought and the fact that they have come down into the domestic part of the neighborhood out of the hills, that when they run wild like this, that we need to do something to control them. >> reporter: the fencing and patrols may have been an impact. there haven't been sightings national past couple of days but either -- there haven't been sightings in the past couple of days, either. len ramirez. >> if the south bay gets a lot of rain, pigs would not be forced to come down to eat and drink. the man behind one of the most watched youtube videos has died. he was an oregon highway engineer. he used dynamite to blow up a beached whale. >> i'm confident that it will
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work. the only thing, we're not sure just exactly how much explosive it is will take to disintegrate this. >> back in 1970 george thornton got the call to remove a 45- foot sperm wear near florence. his tactic wa messy. he work at the oregon department of transportation for 47 years. he was 84. tesla is making a name for itself among california's wealthiest zip codes many of which are here in the bay area. a new report from shows the model s sedan makes up 15.4% of all new cars registered in atherton. almost 12% in los altos. luxury all-electric car is the top selling vehicle in eight of california's wealthiest cities. beginning tomorrow red light cameras will catch drivers making illegal turns at san francisco's busy market and
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octavia intersection. it's been the scene of many accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists. drivers often making illegal turns on to the central freeway. getting caught now could result in a $238 ticket. coming up in our next half hour -- >> it's hard for me to talk about him in the past tense. >> why this mother who lost her some says she is offended on how a bay area mayor is patting herself on the back. >> the elaborate hollywood style undercover sting designed to catch one of the state's most powerful politicians. >> there is a way to tell if something you want to buy will get cheaper in the future. the dead giveaway printed right on the price tag. ,, ,,
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[father]c'mon,buddy,you can do it.c'mon,reel it up, you gotta reel it up now,buddy. reel it up. [father] reel it up,you got him on there.bring him in. is that a bass? [boy] yeah,i got a big bass. [father]bring it up.keep reeling.keep reeling.c'mon, where is he? whoa! you caught that all by yourself? [boy] yeah! [father]how old are you to catch that? [boy]three! [father]you're three years old? show me how many fingers that is. nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. ♪ ♪ so, what do you say?
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thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. set your soul free. female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are ending soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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self-compliment.. is a slap in the i can't begin to tell you how much my son means to me still. >> now at 6:30, the grieving mother who says a bay area mayor's self-compliment is a slap in the face. it's something most politicians do. oakland mayor jean quan is touting her record as a crime fighter but that's not sitting
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well with a mother who lost her son in one of the city's most talked about killings. reporter da lin on the woman who says the mayor's not done much in her case. >> reporter: the murder of the university grad shocked the bay area in june. the popular oregon university grad was driving in oakland when someone rear-ended his car. when he tried to exchange insurance information, the driver shot and killed him. the pain of losing her only child is still unbearable four months later . >> i can't begin to tell you how much my son means to me still. he is everything to me. >> reporter: so when maria saw this week's editorial by mayor quan in the "oakland tribune," she was taken aback. >> insulted. >> reporter: mayor quan said the media unfairly criticized her and praised her own accomplishments and said we reduced homicide by more than 25% year-to-date. oakland's overall economy is the strongest it's been in years.
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we have a $38 million reserve. >> leadership is not just about your accomplishments but actually it requires some humility on your part. >> reporter: the self-promotion did not sit well with climaco. the mayor never responded to her over the summer after she reached out to mayor quan several times even going to her office and leaving this book, containing pictures and stories of her son. she says all she wanted was assurance from the mayor something would be done to solve the case. >> nothing, just silence. >> reporter: she reminds mayor quan is results what matter not rhetoric and the result that she wants is justice for her son. in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> oakland police say no arrests have been made in the homicide case. we tried to get a response from mayor quan. her office declined to comment
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new details revealed tonight in an undercover fbi sting targeting one of the most powerful politicians in southern california. cbs reporter dave brian with the twists and turns of this bizarre case. >> reporter: back in june, fbi agents raided the state capital offices of state senator ron calderon. now al-jazeera tv reports according to an affidavit submitted by the fbi calderon was being investigated for bribery extortion, conspiracy and fraud. the documents outline how calderon was caught up in an fbi sting in which investigators set up a phony movie studio and paid calderon and members of his family more than $60,000 in bribes to draw up and promote legislation that could have resulted in lucrative tax credits for the phony studio. capital roan's daughter, for example, according to the -- calderon's daughter for example according to the documents produced was given a job at the studio paid $30,000 according to affidavit but never showed
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up for work. when a correspondent confronted calderon about the allegations, this is how it went. >> the fbi alleges that you have accepted bribes in exchange for supporting legislation. >> it's, uhm, that's, uhm, like i said, i'm not going to answer anything right now. >> you're an elected officials state senator in one of the largest states in the country. don't you think the public has the right to hear from you? >> sure, they will. >> when will they hear from you? >> they hear from me all the time when i'm in the district. >> you're holding up a badge bragging about this is your "get out of jail free" card your pass and use it like a badge. what did you mean by that? >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> you were standing right there at the greens in pebble beach. >> please. gentlemen, i'm not going to be discussing this, okay? >> so far no charges have been filed against calderon. you will soon be able to use your electronic devices throughout an entire flight. currently you have to turn off
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your cell phones, tablets, laptops and ereaders during take-off and landing. you can turn them back on only when the plane is above 10,000 feet but today, the faa said that's going to change. >> the committee determined that most commercial airplanes can tolerate radio interference from portable electronic devices. it's safe to read downloaded materials like ebooks and calendars and also to play games. >> the faa says passengers might still be asked to turn off their electronic devices in some cases. and don't expect to talk on your cell phone soon. that will be still be banned. the faa says each airline will determine how and when they will implement the changes so what do you think of those changes? let me know by sending me a tweet. that sriracha plant in southern california will stay open. the possible closure of the factory became a hot topic this week after neighbors complained about the smell of pepper, garlic.
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they said it was so strong, it was making them sick. today a judge denied their request to shut down the factory. still ahead, unlocking the secrets printed right on the price tag. if you know what to look for, you could save a lot of money. coming up in consumerwatch we crack the code. >> and why we could face a shortage of olive oil. ,,,,,,
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i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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if you have a health flex spending account, you've likely felt the end of the year rush to spend your money before you lose it. on if you have a health flex spending account you have likely felt the end of the year rush to spend before you losing it. on the consumerwatch, julie watts tells us you may be able to relax a little bit. >> just a little because the irs is relaxing its use it or lose it rule allowing employees to carry over up to $500 of their tax-free fsa dollars from one year to the next.
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fsas allow employees to put away pre-tax dollars for qualified medical expenses throughout the year but until now if you didn't submit for reimbursement by the end of the year, you lost any remaining money. well, now you will get to keep some of it for another year but there's a catch. your employer gets to choose if it wants to amend the plan to include those rollovers and some may be reluctant because your company gets to keep the money you forfeit. millions of trick or treaters are getting free candy this evening. restaurants are offering freebies to try to lure parents into the door. the olive garden and red lobster are offering free kids meals with a coupon in an effort to drive traffic on this quote historically slow day. and if the kids are into breakfast for dinner ihop is offering a free kids scary faced pan take. chipotle, a costume to score $3 it food. proceeds up to a million
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dollars will go to charity. and with so many sales this time of year, do you ever wonder if you are really getting the best price? it turns out there's a code and the deal site rather be shopping has a price code cheat sheet to crack it. the key is paying special attention to the last two digits on the item's price. for instance if you see a price ending in 99 cents anywhere it hasn't been marked down yet. at target if the price ends in 98 cents it's been marked down but it's not the lowest price. the final markdowns at target actually end in 4 cents. now, at sears you know you get the best deal when the price ends in 88 cents. at home depot the final markdowns end with 6 cents. the cheat she also includes costco, office depot, gap and old navy and you will find a link to that cheat sheet at just click "links and numbers." >> that's great. >> so every store their lowest mark down price ends in a different two digits but the key is if you see 99 at the end
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of any price it's not marked down yet. >> but it's a good tip if you are looking to buy something, maybe i'll wait to see if it's marked down in a couple of weeks. >> especially during the whole black friday holiday hopping season. >> is there any deal on the boo- rito deal? >> $3 bucks if you wear a costume. >> thank you. dozens of little ghouls and goblins got a special halloween treat at the lucille packard children's hospital. candy and gift bags were passed out hallways. doctors and nurses dressed up to make the day special for kids recovering at the hospital. >> many of our children who are here at packard don't get to go out for halloween tonight. so we bring halloween to them. we try and bring a sense of normalcy so for a few short hours, they can forget why they're in the hospital. >> the hospital's basement was converted into a spooky haunted house. ♪[ music ] >> it sure was neat [ music ] >> they gave up their seat.
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♪[ music ] >> it was only a matter of time. introducing the muni mash. just in time for halloween, it's the sfmta. they put up this video on youtube. it's a musical reminder for riders to give up their seats to seniors and people with disabilities and to be courteous to others. you might have to opt for canola or pick peanut instead. coming up, why there could be a shortage of olive oil. >> there's no shortage of sunshine. there is now the sun went down but there wasn't earlier today. highs in the mid-70s. sunnyvale 75 degrees on halloween. but we have changes coming. we are going to get cooler. we are going to get wetter. find out when. i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, ken concern, you got company! >> ken bastida, you got company company. >> just got my butt kicked. >> if you are not a household name you are now. >> like norm at cheers, everybody knows his name and
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the 49ers welcome back their best pass rusher it's all coming up. ,,,,,,,,
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when it's time to talk business security, talk to the leader. tyco integrated security. we'll create a solution customized just for you. and you can manage it all right from the palm of your hand. so delicious, they won't even know it's chicken. 50% less fat... 100% johnsonville taste.
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so yso you can happily let the grlife get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can oil production in recent years... and this has led to an increase in a certain pest.
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experts say more trees and california has increased its olive oil production in recent years and this has led to an increase in a certain pest. experts say more trees and fruit mean more food for fruit flies. the insect has done significant damage to crops particularly in napa county. growers there predict a smaller crop than last year. olive growers are now working to find a solution. >> growers themselves have helped fund research and are working on trying to find best management practices to try to tamp down the population of fruit flies. >> the olive fruit fly first arrived in california about 15 years ago and the warm climate helped it to thrive. >> first wine, now olives. i need some good news. we have to hoard wine and olive oil. otherwise known as going to whole foods. [ laughter ] >> what beautiful weather outside. >> gorgeous. perfect trick or treating. >> just perfect during the day, leading to a perfect evening and it's just going to be
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spectacular. if you haven't been out trick or treating yet please do. the weather is going to be a- okay. this time next week we may be talking about rainfall but not tonight. sfo gorgeous colors, post sunset. your high at sfo today was 70 but downtown san francisco hit 71 degrees. here's a look at the oakland touchdown of the bay bridge. notice on the right side of your screen there, all the folks trying to get home so they can go trick or treating or go out with their kids. not happening right now. traffic's bad. weather upper 60s for you. concord, oakland, livermore, 68 or san jose, 67 santa rosa. great weather to get outside even in san francisco, there's little if any wind. and your current temperature is 60 degrees. speaking of the city, here's some halloween records for you. the warmest halloween in san francisco ever in 1966 when we hit 86 degrees. the wettest. back in 1934 about three- quarters inch of rainfall. we haven't had that much rain in the past four months nor will we for the next several days. overnight tonight 40s in the
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north bay. napa 43. some spots hit the 30s the past couple nights. 51 for san francisco. mildred gosse elementary school in san jose come final bell time tomorrow your schoolcast a high of 73 degrees. chilly start but a nice afternoon as we wrap up the school week in san jose coming up tomorrow. it's all about this big ridge of high pressure. remember how we started the week? there was a storm off to the east. that's just but a memory causing flooding in texas over the past 24 hours but this ridge is with us tomorrow and saturday. the first two days of november will be sunny. they will be mild with afternoon highs anywhere near the bay or inland in the 70s. then on sunday, the beginning of changes. we are looking now to the north and west for what's coming up. this is going to miss us. we'll have a front move through. not going to see rain. it will be about 5 degrees cooler. an increase in cloud cover as well on sunday. after that i do see giving us more direct hit with a chance of rain about a week from today. so the pattern is beginning to break down but not the next couple of days. tomorrow and saturday we'll be dry and sunny. you will notice the breeze increase on saturday that will last throughout the day on
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sunday cooler on sunday as well and that pattern change is coming about this time next week. we may be looking at rain in the bay area. pick union city sunshine 71. beautiful day for concord with a high of 75. tri-valley mid- to upper 70s. fairfield 76. 73 for san rafael. daly city 69 degrees. sonoma wine country 76 degrees. and up toward clearlake and lakeport, 73 with sunshine. weekend starts off on a sunny note cooler cloudier on sunday make sure you turn that clock back on saturday night or clocks. you probably have more than one. monday we will stay in the 60s and look at this. next thursday, there is a chances of rain perhaps the true beginning of the rainy season but we're dry tonight and that's good news because mobile weather is out trick or treating with kids and adults tonight in danville with roberta gonzales.
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good evening. >> reporter: yes, we are. absolutely. and i cannot remember a more mild halloween night here in danville right now. i'm with all my bessies, right? >> yes! >> yeah. >> reporter: you want to do some weather with me? >> yeah. >> reporter: let's look. can somebody tell me what the air temperature is right now according to mobile weather in danville? >> 60. >> reporter: how about the winds? >> light. >> reporter: okay. where's your mask? i know you're a gorgeous little girl but i love my super heros here. is it hot under the mask? >> yes. >> reporter: i love it. thank you for playing weather with me today. let's come along and look at the kids here in danville. >> what's your name? >> i'm a news reporter. >> reporter: the best looking news reporter i have seen in the business. thank you very much. we are here where currently in danville we had jerry and everybody in danville tells me he has the best spookiest house in the entire city. >> hi, roberta. >> reporter: you're just a big kid. >> absolutely.
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i sure. >> reporter: how many years have you been doing this? >> about nine years. >> reporter: and tell me, how many kids usually come trick or treating here? >> about 200. >> how many kids do we have here? >> a whole lot. >> i really like about your house is all day long i have been watching neighbors come and break bread with you. they bring pot luck items. >> we hang out and the kids go in the neighborhood and we trick or treat. >> it's a great neighborhood feel. everybody comes together and you get to know your neighbor, too. >> we made great relationships with our neighbors. it's fun. >> reporter: do you do this any other time? >> black party in september and during the holidays we do the same thing and block parties in september. >> reporter: will you invite me back? >> yes, you brought good weather. >> reporter: you enjoying your halloween? >> yes! >> oh, my goodness. you are a scary clown, aren't you? >> yes!
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>> reporter: who is that? >> my brother. >> reporter: that is your big brother? >> mm-hm. >> you are so sweet and cute, aren't you? >> yes. >> reporter: yes, you are. for mobile weather and kpix 5, i want to thank you so much for inviting us here. roberta gonzales, kpix 5.
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bowl pass rusher aldon smith "will" return to action this season...conceive ably by their next game on november 10. despite national reports to the contrary, 49's pro bowl pass rusher aldon smith will return to action this season conceivably by the november 10. san francisco reinstated smith to the 53-man roster making him eligible to return. he is showing improvement and taking it one day at a time. harbaugh isn't giving a timetable on the return to the field. now the bright side, the 49ers haven't missed a beat without him. they have won all five by an average of 22 points per game. round one at lake merced peter senior rolls in the long birdie on 12. he has a one-shot lead after an 8-under 63 on a very difficult course. as for the duel for the cup lager was one shot better than kenny perry but still four back. basically lager needs to win the tournament and hope that
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kenny perry finishes outside the top 5 and then logger would win $1 million prize. couples two off the here. o'meara three back. the peter senior in the seniors guys. anyway, he won $4.3 million on the champions tour more than any other player in history who has yet to win a tournament. >> how surprised are you? >> i got a few other words for it. [ laughter ] >> probably the only disappointing thing. >> rocco mediate is a big name thanks to the legendary showdown with tiger in the 2008 u.s. open. . >> it would have been great if i won but the best player won. i got might butt kicked by the
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best player on the planet with a broken league. >> made iate lost to tiger in an epic 18-hole play-off and saw woods play through a torn acl. now, rookies on the champions tour mediate has to wait 13 years to get another shot at tiger. . >> i'll be 63 at the time so i'll take him out then. i'll wait 13 years. everything bouncing the warriors way on opening night. they blew out the lakers 125- 94. if you were close to klay thompson you would have gotten burned. he had a career-high 38, 15 of 19 shooting. what would he do for an encore tonight against the clippers? >> a lot to live up to but that's all right. i think i'll keep my average up. >> i'm a fan of him on and off
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the court, different and so aloof and space cadet sometimes. and he is so carefree spirit, you know, i'm kind of jealous of it. tight with colleges but san diego state found a creative way to get new uniforms. the aztecs played with everything from the elf -- watch the elf starts the 5, 4, 3 double play. last month 49ers left tackle joe staley left everyone know he was hurting. tonight he poked fun at himself on twitter saying, anyone looking for a last-minute costume idea tonight can put on a 9ers 74 jersey lay on the ground and scream. sure fire hit. >> he thought he was seriously injured at the time. >> it hurt. >> no laugh. >> come on, it hurt. >> but he made fun of himself after the game because he came back and said i can't believe i
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was screaming that loud. could you hear him all over the stadium. >> there's microphones everywhere now. >> i can't wait until the 11:00 what is it at google tell me now just between us. [ laughter ] >> you're not going to give it to me. >> ken's going to break the story. >> we'll talk about what the barge is there for and why it was built and what's the idea behind it and we have a couple of really good sources that have come forward in the last 24 hours and told us all about it. so we'll have that at 11:00. >> what does it have to do with? >> why can't you let rocco play golf? why do you have to bring up the whole tiger thing and make him feel bad? >> i almost took down tiger woods arguably the best player. >> you're not going to let him forget it. captions by: caption colorado e] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. and why can you move the tv out here?
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7:00 pm
announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: hey, welcome to the show. good. thank you very much. how you folks doing? thank you very much, everybody. welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and, boy, we got a good one today. returning for the second day from pollock pines, california, it's the secor family... >>h! whoo! >> yeah! steve: and from norwood, mass., it's the acloque family. everybody is here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and a shot at driving out of here in a brand-new, fuel-efficient ford fusion. give me jillian. give me drea. let's go. ok, guys. here we go, top 7


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